How to lose weight by not eating
I know this blog is mainly about losing weight while eating or eating more but I like to use this post to look at it in a different view. Please don't get to caught up in the title above because realistically you have to eat something so you won't starve yourself to death. It is good that you eat during your efforts of trying to lose weight to built up your body, losing weight that has been there for quite some time is a big change for you body. You have to prepare your body to be able to lose this weight. Although there are foods that you shouldn't eat while you are losing weight. That us what I'm going to focus on how to lose weight by not eating bad foods.
You can lose weight by eating foods that don't add more fats and calories that will make it hard for your body to digest your weight. Most of the time when people are talking about losing weight by not eating they don't mean literally stop eating all together. They just cut the amount of foods they eat by a certain amount to reduce the calories that they are putting inside of their bodies.