Not eating to lose weight
With this post I want to address a thought they may hurt your process while you are trying to lose weight. Most of the time when you start to think about losing weight the next thing that follows will be a very tedious diet. If you are a food lover like might myself you probably know how hard it is to give up those thoughts of food in order to help you to lose weight. Limiting your eating will not do the trick for you when you are trying to lose weight. The reason i keep touching on this topic is that it is very important that you understand the effects of not eating and losing a lot of weight at the same time. It is certainly not what you want to put your body though. In this post I'm going explain why limiting your eating and losing weight may not be a good idea.
The main reason why losing weight by not eating is bad is that you are robbing your body of the nutrients it needs to function. Which will leads to your body being unprotected to illnesses that it normally would be able to fight off. Although you will be losing weight you still risk the chance of getting very sick in your efforts. So for you to lose weight and remain healthy then you will need to eat to keep your body functioning normal as you continue to lose weight. The more weight you lose the more you should be eating healthier foods to balance out you health. Losing weight to by not eating is certainly not the way that you should go.