Restaurant Meals with a Day’s Worth of Calories

Restaurant Meals with a Day’s Worth of Calories // high calorie foods c Thinkstock Image: Thinkstock

It’s one thing to treat yourself; it’s another to blow all of your calories on one meal. The most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggest limiting saturated fat to 20 g and sodium to 2,300 mg for a typical adult eating 2,000 calories a day. While the number of calories you should consume may be a little higher or lower (calculate the calories you need), it’s safe to say that the following 11 ridiculously high calorie foods are bad news for your waistline and overall health. These unhealthy entrees come close to or exceed your daily recommended allowance of calories, saturated fat, sodium—or all of the above.

For more dining out advice check out Eat This, Not That 2013, the no diet weight loss solution!